Dear parents, my daughter is currently 9 years old. She has just started experiencing a slight sore throat, and it seems her coughing has become more severe. Additionally, she has been running a low fever. How should we treat her pediatric tonsillitis with low fever for the best results?
In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and administer some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication to the child. Additionally, regional drug sprays or laser therapy can be considered. If the symptoms are primarily sore throat, some painkillers can be given. Moreover, if there is a fever, some fever-reducing medication can be taken. In cases of high fever, it is still advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible. In addition to these medication treatment methods, if the child frequently suffers from tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child’s warmth and avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.