
The baby is about to turn 13 months old and often wakes up crying during nighttime sleep. Sometimes the crying sounds like it’s from a dream, and sometimes it’s quite intense. There are also times when the baby cries very loudly. The baby has been to the hospital for a check-up and it has been confirmed that there is no deficiency in calcium or trace elements. When napping at grandmother’s house, the baby sleeps more peacefully, but starts crying at home. Now over a year old, the baby still has this problem at night, and everyone is tired of dealing with it. What could be the possible reasons?


Based on your description, I first suggest checking if the room temperature and humidity are suitable, whether the blanket is too thick or too thin, and it could also be due to a calcium deficiency. I recommend trying to take one calcium tablet orally every day. This is the suggestion for the question “How to Handle a Baby Waking Up and Crying at Night?” I hope it helps you, and wish the patient a quick recovery and a healthy body and beautiful life.