
I found that my blood sugar was high during the 26-week prenatal check-up. The doctor said that I should not eat congee or sweet foods. I want to know if I can drink chicken soup, beef bone soup, etc., and what fruits I can eat daily, as I am worried about my baby not getting enough nutrition.


Blood sugar control during pregnancy is crucial, but diet should not be overly restricted. If you had diabetes before pregnancy or discovered it for the first time during pregnancy, the reference values for fasting and 1, 2-hour post-meal blood sugar levels are 5.1, 10.0, and 8.5 respectively. Based on your self-measured blood sugar values, your fasting blood sugar is within the normal range, but your post-meal blood sugar has not reached the standard completely. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes need to pay special attention to their diet, but they should not be overly restrictive.