
My baby started introducing complementary foods at four months old, and now at six months and three days, she has had diarrhea for 5 to 6 days. Although her spirits are good, I have stopped giving her complementary foods for safety reasons. I’m worried that breast milk alone may not meet her nutritional needs and would like to ask whether it’s safe to continue feeding complementary foods during diarrhea, as well as the appropriate frequency and types of food.


Diarrhea in a 6-month-old baby may be caused by digestive problems. It is recommended to use Montmorillonite powder and external umbilical cord plasters for treatment, which usually yield good results. At the same time, pay attention to keeping warm, avoiding catching a cold, and giving the baby plenty of water. If breast milk is not enough to meet the needs, then additional complementary foods such as rice porridge are needed, as it is easier to digest.