
A three-month-old baby, who has been on artificial feeding since birth, was able to drink about 150 milliliters of formula at two months old. However, by the time the baby reached three months, the milk intake decreased, and now the baby can only drink about 300 milliliters of formula daily. The baby cries and fusses whenever feeding time comes, and can only be fed smoothly when sleeping. The baby’s sleep and mood are good. The baby has taken gastrointestinal digestion aids, but there has been no significant improvement. Different nipples and brands of formula have been tried, but the baby still refuses to drink.


At three months old, if the baby’s milk intake is about 300 milliliters per day and the baby’s mood is good, there is no need to worry too much. Generally speaking, the daily milk requirement for a three-month-old baby is usually between 800 to 900 milliliters. You can try gently massaging the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction to promote digestion and absorption. Additionally, giving the baby appropriate probiotics can help adjust the intestinal flora and promote digestion and absorption. Every baby has different milk requirements; some eat more, while others may consume less. As long as the baby’s mood is good, there is no need to worry excessively.