
Is involuntary head shaking a sequela, and what should I do? My son had a high fever of 39 degrees and, after receiving a fever-reducing shot, his eyes were fixed for two to three minutes before returning to normal. Past treatment and effectiveness: I have already gone to the hospital for medication and blood tests, and the doctor diagnosed it as viral influenza. Assistance sought: Sometimes after the fever subsides, my child shakes their head involuntarily. Is this a sequela, and what should I do?


There are many causes of pediatric fever, which can be classified into infectious and non-infectious in clinical settings, with infectious causes being more common, such as the common cold being the most frequent. For fever, it is first necessary to clarify the cause and treat accordingly. High fever can easily lead to pediatric high fever convulsions, so body temperature needs to be suppressed as well. The main methods are drug-induced cooling and physical cooling. It is best to use medication under medical guidance. The above suggestions are for the situation where “my son had a high fever of 39 degrees and his eyes were fixed for two to three minutes after receiving a fever-reducing shot.” I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!