
“Twice the normal blood lead levels, is there physical therapy that can accelerate the excretion?”


Dietary therapy can act as a preventive measure, blocking the absorption of many foreign lead sources and partially excreting lead from the blood. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet, drink more milk, less soda, and increase the intake of seafood, lean meat, soy products, eggs, and shellfish. Reduce the consumption of salted eggs, fried and puffed snacks, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits such as kelp, leeks, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, kiwi, and sea buckthorn. Experts particularly remind not to blindly use drugs to excrete lead, as lead-excreting drugs have significant toxic and side effects. During treatment, calcium, iron, zinc, and other trace elements may also be excreted, even leading to severe hypocalcemia. Therefore, non-pharmaceutical treatment is usually adopted for lead poisoning in children.