
My 47-day-old baby often moves their limbs frantically and cries during naps, and they also kick their legs strongly while feeding. Occasionally, they pull on the nipple while feeding, shake their head from side to side, and must have the nipple in their mouth to feel better. Moreover, they often pass several farts in a row, and most importantly, they cry as soon as they are placed on the bed, feeling that they must be held to sleep comfortably. What is going on here?


Based on your description, the baby’s movement of limbs during sleep may be related to early deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. It is recommended that you bring the baby to the hospital for a check-up, including the detection of trace elements, for an accurate diagnosis. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can appropriately supplement vitamin D and calcium. In addition, the baby’s behavior while feeding may be due to bloating, so you can try gently patting the baby’s back after feeding to help expel gas. As for the baby’s sleep issues, you can try soothing the baby by gently rocking, patting, or playing soft music to help them fall asleep.