
A 3-year-old child has a runny nose and suddenly coughed twice at night, followed by vomiting. The child vomited three times, each time expelling everything they had eaten. The times were at 9 pm, 2 am in the middle of the night, and 6 am in the morning. Observing the vomit, it appears that the food was not yet digested and there are no other discomforts such as fever. Two weeks ago, the child had acute purulent tonsillitis and received injections and medication treatment. They have recovered last week. What could this be? Is it due to overeating? Do I need to have the vomit tested?


Based on the symptoms you described, it is initially suspected to be caused by a cold. It is recommended to take the following measures: maintain light, easily digestible meals, eat in small portions more frequently, drink plenty of water, keep warm, prevent gastrointestinal irritation, and take symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. If there are symptoms of fatigue, seek medical consultation again.