
My eight-year-old son has been experiencing severe coughing and low-grade fever, which may indicate tonsillitis. What types of food can help alleviate the symptoms?


When a child has tonsillitis, their diet should be kept light and easy to digest. It’s important to include plenty of vegetables and fruits in their meals, as they are not only light but also rich in vitamins and trace elements, which can help boost the child’s immunity. When selecting fruits, it’s best to avoid those that are too cold, opting for fruits with a balanced temperature, such as apples and kiwis. For staple foods, choose softer options like congee or noodles to prevent difficulties in swallowing or constipation, which could worsen the condition. Additionally, avoid giving the child any stimulating or spicy foods, as well as potential allergens or irritants. It’s also crucial to help the child develop good eating habits, avoiding picky eating or anorexia, to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.