
A 7-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea for four days. During this period, the child has taken probiotics,Jianpi San (tonifying the spleen powder), montmorillonite powder (montmorillonite powder), and Zhaolin Amoxicillin. Despite these treatments, the diarrhea symptoms have not improved. Today noon, a stool test for the baby showed that the number of leukocytes in the stool is 0-2, the number of red blood cells is 1-3, and the occult blood test was positive. Is the current medication treatment appropriate? Do we need to change the medication?


The 7-month-old baby is once again dealing with diarrhea and vomiting, with regular stool tests showing no white blood cells. This situation may be caused by a viral infection. Treatment suggestions include providing the child with adequate fluids, promoting digestion, administering medications that protect the intestinal mucosa, such as montmorillonite powder, and considering the use of probiotics. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you and your baby. Wishing you both good health!