
A six-month-old baby often coughs and sometimes spits up milk clumps while burping. After napping, the baby may suddenly wake up crying and be difficult to soothe, only feeling better when held upright. The baby constantly seeks breast milk, although the original supply was insufficient and I am currently bottle-feeding alone. Now, the baby won’t even take milk powder (infant formula). I’m not sure if the baby is full or still hungry. In addition, the baby now only likes to eat fingers instead of the whole fist like before.


Based on your description, the baby’s coughing and spitting up milk clumps may be a sign of dyspepsia. Mixed feeding is more likely to cause digestive problems. It is recommended to give the baby lactic acid probiotic tablets or multi-enzyme tablets, establish a good feeding habit with regular and quantified feeding, supplement calcium, and pay attention to hygiene. These suggestions may help address the issue of a six-month-old baby frequently coughing and spitting up milk clumps. I hope this will be helpful to you, wishing you and your baby health!