
How long does a child need to be injected with growth hormone, and what is the cost?


① Formulations: There are two types available domestically, powder and liquid, with the latter showing slightly better growth effects. ② Dosage: Individual adjustments are made based on needs and observed therapeutic effects. ③ Administration: Inject subcutaneously once every evening before bedtime. To prevent tissue atrophy, it is important to change injection sites frequently. ④ Course: Generally, the course should not be less than 1-2 years. ⑤ Side Effects: a) Hypothyroidism: It usually occurs again after 2-3 months of starting the injection, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered as needed. b) Changes in blood glucose metabolism: Long-term use of growth hormone in high doses may cause abnormal blood sugar levels in children, especially those with a family history of diabetes or obesity.