
Doctor, my child is 15 years old and fell from a building, sustaining injuries to the spine and lumbar region. They have lost sensation in the lower limbs and have difficulty defecating. Are there any effective treatments, and can this condition be cured?


The injury you described is a spinal cord injury, primarily characterized by the loss of sensation, muscle weakness, collapse, and bowel and bladder dysfunction. If the injury is complete, treatment becomes challenging. First, a lumbar CT scan or MRI should be conducted to check for any compression of the spinal cord. If there is compression, surgical treatment is recommended. At the same time, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication, such as methylprednisolone, should be administered, along with nerve-nourishing drugs like vitamin B1, Methylcobalamin, nerve growth factor, and gangliosides. If hyperbaric oxygen chambers are available, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is suggested. In the early stages of the injury, active treatment should be provided to enhance the maximum possible repair of the nerves.