
Parents inquire about their 3-month-old baby who underwent a pelvic X-ray without any protective measures in place and a spinal curvature check at 9 months old. They are concerned that these X-ray examinations may cause damage to the baby’s genes and cells, potentially increasing the risk of cancer. They ask whether such examinations can really have severe effects and if there are any methods to reduce radiation damage and restore damaged cells.


Doctors explain that occasional X-ray exams typically have no significant impact on children, so parents should not worry excessively. However, long-term or excessive exposure to X-rays should be avoided. Additionally, doctors suggest not being overly concerned about the baby’s exams, as the radiation doses from these tests are usually low and unlikely to have a serious impact on the baby’s health. To reduce radiation damage and restore damaged cells, doctors recommend consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as dark green vegetables, fruits, and nuts, which can help the body resist the damage caused by free radicals, thereby alleviating radiation damage.