
At 1 month adjusted to full term age, the premature baby cries and disturbs, dislikes sleeping, vomits, and has poor digestion. Is it due to a calcium deficiency? What has been the past treatment and its effectiveness? What kind of assistance are we hoping to receive? Does my baby need calcium supplementation? Which brand is good?


Premature babies have not yet matured digestive systems and are prone to digestive disorders. Probiotics or montmorillonite powder can be given to adjust the intestinal flora. In addition, premature babies should be supplemented with calcium in a timely manner, such as with vitamin D calcium chewable tablets. Breastfeeding mothers should pay attention to a light diet and avoid overly greasy foods. The baby should be kept in a quiet environment during sleep, with appropriate temperature and humidity. Feeding should be done in small quantities multiple times. Wishing the baby a healthy growth.