
My child is one and a half years old, but they are restless every time they go to sleep, always needing to be held and rocked to fall asleep. If I put them down, they wake up and start crying, insisting on being held and rocked. They haven’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time. Why is this happening, and are there any methods to improve it? I want to get help on how to deal with a baby who needs to be rocked to sleep.


If your child always needs to be held and rocked to fall asleep, you can place the child on the bed and bring a toy that the child might not like to keep them company. Play with the baby for a while, and they will get tired and fall asleep! Allow the baby to calm down 0.5 to 1 hour before bedtime. Avoid overly stimulating activities or excessive play before bed. This can prevent the baby from being too excited or tense, making it difficult for them to fall asleep. Avoid watching stimulating TV shows, telling tense or frightening stories, or playing with new toys. Create a good deep sleep environment for the baby. The room temperature should be comfortable, quiet, and dimly lit. The bedding should be light, soft, and dry. Make sure the baby urinates before bedtime.