How can I break the habit of my baby needing to be shaken to fall asleep?
If your child always needs to be held and shaken to fall asleep, you can place the baby on the bed and use a toy that the child might find annoying to play with for a while. Once tired, the baby will fall asleep! About 0.5 to 1 hour before the baby goes to sleep, it is important to calm the baby down. Avoid overly stimulating activities or excessive play before bedtime. This can prevent the baby from being too excited or tense, making it difficult to fall asleep. Avoid watching stimulating TV shows, telling tense or scary stories, or playing with new toys. Create a good deep sleep environment for the baby. The room temperature should be comfortable, quiet, and dimly lit. The bedding should be light, soft, and dry. Make sure the baby urinates before bedtime.