
What Are the Symptoms of a Calcium Deficiency in Children?



  1. Before supplementing with calcium, it is recommended to first have your child’s calcium levels tested in a regular hospital.
  2. Do not be deceived by the exaggerated promotions of certain calcium supplements.
  3. More is not always better when it comes to calcium supplementation; please follow the guidance of a doctor.
  4. Milk is the best source of calcium; when warming milk, avoid stirring to prevent the depletion of calcium.
  5. When making bone broth, remember to add vinegar, as this helps in the calcification of calcium.
  6. At night, calcium is most needed and is also the easiest to absorb.
  7. Vegetables such as spinach, bamboo shoots, and chives, which contain a lot of oxalic acid, should be soaked in hot water first to dissolve the oxalic acid, otherwise, it will reduce the calcification of calcium.