
An 8-month-old baby has been suffering from abdominal distension since birth, with bowel movements occurring on average every three to four days. Sometimes, if the baby does not have a bowel movement, a rectal suppository is needed to help. What could be the cause? Previous treatment and outcomes were considered inappropriate by the doctor due to the baby’s young age, and no examination could be conducted. The assistance sought is to identify the root of the problem.


Based on the description, the primary suspicion is of dyspepsia or gastroenteritis. It is important to rest and pay attention to diet, avoiding excessively cold, greasy, or irritating foods. Regional cold compresses and massage can be applied, along with taking Qingda granules, Gaoyou, and Gaopan Xiaoshipian for regulation. At the same time, it is recommended to visit the hospital for a health check-up and ultrasound examination to determine the cause and receive symptomatic treatment. Wishing for a speedy recovery.