
Are the Pediatric Amoxicillin Yellow and Pseudoephedrine Granules a traditional Chinese medicine? If I took the Amoxicillin and Pseudoephedrine Oral Solution 5 hours ago, can I still take the Pediatric Amoxicillin Yellow and Pseudoephedrine Granules? It’s for an 11-month-old baby. How much should be taken at one time? The baby has been suffering from a cold with runny nose for two days, has taken the Amoxicillin and Pseudoephedrine Oral Solution, and has improved a lot, but there is still frequent nasal congestion and sometimes runny nose. Should I use the Pediatric Amoxicillin Yellow and Pseudoephedrine Granules or another medication?


The Pediatric Amoxicillin Yellow and Pseudoephedrine Granules are not traditional Chinese medicine; they are a cold medicine containing Western medicine ingredients. For your baby’s situation, if you have already taken the Amoxicillin and Pseudoephedrine Oral Solution 5 hours ago, it is recommended not to take the Pediatric Amoxicillin Yellow and Pseudoephedrine Granules to avoid medication overdose. For medication for an 11-month-old baby, please strictly follow the doctor’s advice, as the dosage of infants usually needs to be calculated based on weight. If your baby still has cold symptoms, it is recommended that you take your baby to see a doctor for professional medication guidance. At the same time, ensure that your baby receives adequate fluids to help relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion and cough.