
My four-month-old baby defecated four times yesterday, which is different from their usual frequency. The color and shape of their stool are the same as before, but they usually defecate every two to three days. The baby seems fine, but I’m wondering what could be the cause? Do I need to see a doctor?


Based on the situation you described, the baby’s increased defecation frequency may be due to cold or dyspepsia. It is recommended to use a navel patch for the baby, and to ensure that the abdomen is kept warm. Offer plenty of water and maintain a light diet. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Avoid spicy and greasy foods; base your diet on light meals, with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits.
  2. You can give probiotics to adjust the intestinal flora and use digestive enzyme supplements to improve digestion and absorption. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you health!