
A 8-year-old boy, in elementary school, started experiencing a sore throat while speaking and developed a severe cough. He currently has a persistent fever. How should one treat the fever caused by pediatric tonsillitis?


For pediatric tonsillitis, antibiotic treatment is often considered to address the symptoms. Concurrently, regional treatment measures such as gargling or topical medication application can help reinforce the treatment effect. For children with obvious throat pain, painkillers may be considered. If the child still has a fever, appropriate fever reduction measures should be taken. If the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. The above is one of the commonly used treatment methods for tonsillitis. Additionally, surgery may be applicable for children with recurrent episodes. During the treatment period, ensure that the child gets adequate rest and increases their intake of vegetables and fruits.