
A 9-month-old baby has been experiencing intermittent high temperatures. Yesterday afternoon, the baby’s mental state was observed to be poor, and the temperature was measured at 38.5 degrees Celsius in the evening. After applying a fever-reducing gel, the temperature briefly dropped, but quickly rose again to 39.1 degrees Celsius. Traditional methods of sweating were tried but failed to induce sweating, and the temperature continued to rise until it reached 39.6 degrees Celsius. The baby was then taken to the hospital for a fever-reducing injection, accompanied by mild diarrhea but not severe. The doctor prescribed Bifidobacterium live bacteria tablets, transfer factor oral solution, and ibuprofen. After returning home, the baby’s temperature decreased, but it started to rise again to 38.4 degrees Celsius the next evening. What could be the reason for this repeated fever?
