
What are the reasons for bedwetting during playtime in children?


Bedwetting refers to the involuntary urination of children over three years old during deep sleep. For children under three, bedwetting is not uncommon as their brain’s urinary center is still developing, and they have not yet formed a habit of urination. Common causes include: 1. Children may wet the bed due to overexertion during play, excessive excitement, or emotional shocks such as being startled; 2. Deep sleep that is too profound: Typically, bedwetting children sleep very soundly at night, making it difficult to wake them up, and they may not even realize they have wet the bed.


What factors might lead to bedwetting during playtime?


Bedwetting usually refers to children over three years old who involuntarily urinate during deep sleep. For children under three, bedwetting is a common occurrence since their brain’s urinary center is still in development and has not yet fully formed a urination habit. Here are some common reasons: 1. Children may wet the bed due to overexertion, excitement, or emotional stress such as being frightened during play; 2. Excessive sleepiness during deep sleep: Generally, bedwetting children sleep very deeply at night, making it hard to wake them up, and they may not be aware that they have wet the bed.