
I’ve had a cough and runny nose for six days now. I’ve been taking Xinkang Taike for five days, and the situation has improved slightly, but it hasn’t completely healed. I’ll be in a mother-and-baby room in five days (the baby is currently in the NICU due to preterm birth), and I need to be cured within that time. Are there any methods? I don’t have a fever or headache.


I’m glad to explain to you. According to your description, a cough with clear mucus is a typical case of the common cold. I suggest you use symptomatic cold medicine and antiviral oral liquid in a timely manner, drink more ginger-sugar water, which can help with the complete recovery from the disease. If you will be spending time with the baby, it is recommended to wear a mask for isolation to prevent cross-infection. These are my suggestions for this issue, and I hope they are helpful to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery!