
The baby has been experiencing gas for the past two weeks. Their belly makes gurgling sounds, and after taking digestive medicine, they pass more gas. Sometimes, they also have stools resembling curdled bean curd. Recently, during naps, they have been restless, often waking up and crying fiercely. What could this be?


The baby’s current condition may be caused by indigestion. It is recommended to give the baby Montmorillonite powder and supplement zinc appropriately, which can help alleviate electrolyte imbalance caused by vomiting. If the vomiting symptoms persist, please take the baby to the hospital for a follow-up examination promptly. In daily life, pay attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm and avoiding the back from getting cold during naps. After feeding the baby milk, you can hold the baby upright and pat their back to help them expel gas. Wishing the baby a healthy growth!