
A 9-year-old boy has the habit of wetting the bed at night, which has persisted for about two years. Recently, he can still wet the bed even when wearing pants. How should this situation be handled? Does he have a history of allergies or family hereditary diseases? Does he need to see a doctor? Or should he be careful about certain things in daily life?


Medically referred to as “nocturnal enuresis.” It is recommended to first thoroughly check for the risk of hidden spinal bifida and be cautious not to overexert during the day to avoid sleeping too deeply at night, making it difficult to wake up when urine is present, leading to bedwetting. Additionally, it is important to prevent excessive fluid intake before bedtime to reduce nighttime urine output. Furthermore, it is suggested to purchase an alarm clock set for a specific time to wake up and urinate. These are the recommendations for handling the question of “how to handle bedwetting in a 9-year-old boy at night.” I hope this helps; wishing you good health!