
My child, who is 8 months old, woke up with a runny nose and coughing in the morning. We have children’s Fen Huang Na Ning granules and Ban Lan Gen granules at home. How should we take them? He previously had upper respiratory infection and tonsillitis, and was treated in the hospital about 20 days ago. What medication should he take and what is the dosage?


It’s important not to exclude tonsillitis. It is a disease caused by bacteria and can be divided into acute and chronic tonsillitis. Symptoms such as throat pain, swallowing pain, hoarseness, sudden loud voice, and a sensation of foreign body in the throat, accompanied by coughing, are all clinical manifestations of tonsillitis. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for tonsillitis mainly includes fire-clearing, detoxifying, and throat-relieving drugs, which have a relieving effect on general initial symptoms of tonsillitis, but chronic tonsillitis may require the use of many antibiotics. It is recommended that you go to the hospital for a follow-up consultation and do not self-medicate to avoid delaying the condition.