
A 13-year-old boy exhibits more mischievous and disobedient behavior than other children, and he may shout loudly or resort to violent actions when being taught by his mother. The mother’s health is poor, and she is unable to confront the boy. The boy feels that no one can control him, leading to an escalation of conflicts with his mother, often resulting in physical confrontations. When trying to discipline him, he even threatens to attack family members with sticks and is very aggressive. How should one handle this situation?


At 13 years old, the boy is in a combative stage of growth and has missed the best period for correctional education. There is a Chinese proverb: “Coddling leads to a bad son, and discipline brings filial piety.” Especially for boys, overindulgence can exacerbate their bad behavior. However, since the boy is already 13, one cannot suddenly force a change in his behavior; it needs to be guided gradually. Clear reasons should be explained, rules should be set, family meetings should be held, and he should be made to take responsibility and be accountable for the family. Physical punishment should not be used, nor should his unreasonable demands be accommodated. At the same time, communication with the school’s head teacher can be attempted to change the child’s behavior, promoting his healthy and happy growth into a useful person with love and responsibility.