
The 4-year-old baby has had a fever for the past two days and started coughing last night. The cough is accompanied by phlegm that is difficult to cough up, with a hoarse sound in the throat, making it slightly difficult to speak. The parent took the child to see a doctor, who prescribed cefpodoxime and a cough syrup combination, but there seems to be no significant effect after taking them.


It is recommended to use ①Children’s Qing Fei Liang Xue Granules, which have the effect of expectorating and relieving cough, suitable for children with cough and bronchitis. ②Xuan Fei Zhi Sou Combination, mainly used for dispelling wind and clearing the lungs, cooling the blood, suitable for cough due to wind attacking the lung syndrome, symptoms including cough, sore throat, nasal congestion with runny nose, aversion to cold with fever, and expectoration. Which medication is more effective? It is recommended that parents bring their child to the hospital and take medication under the guidance of a doctor. The above suggestions are for the question “What to Do When a 4-Year-Old Baby Has a Fever and Coughs at Night?” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!