
A one-year-old baby had an eyelid injury when the phone slipped from the doctor’s hand, falling onto the baby’s eyelid. Initially, the eyelid showed white bruising, which then turned red and slightly swollen. The baby was soothed to sleep after crying. Will this affect the eye, and how should it be handled? Do you need to apply iodine tincture to the eyelid?


Infants have thin skin and a rich blood circulation around the eyes, making them prone to redness and swelling after trauma. If there is no rusting of the skin, there is no need to use iodine tincture. If the eyelid remains swollen, a cold compress can be applied for 48 hours after the injury, using a cold towel to apply to the eye area, three to four times a day, each session lasting ten to fifteen minutes. The baby may not be able to fully cooperate, but if the swelling is mild, it should improve within a few days. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health!