
My son is just over 9 months old and has recently developed tonsillitis, causing him constant crying. I took him to the doctor, and he has mild coughing and low-grade fever symptoms. What are some suitable foods that can help alleviate his discomfort and promote recovery?


When a baby has tonsillitis, in addition to medical treatment, dietary care is also a crucial aspect. Here are some dietary suggestions:

  • Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits: Many fruits have cooling and detoxifying effects, are rich in vitamins that can boost immunity, and help fight off diseases. It is recommended to choose fruits that are neutral in nature and rich in vitamins, such as tangerines and kiwis.
  • Provide easily digestible foods: Soups made from thin rice or soft noodles are easy to digest and absorb, which can reduce the baby’s digestive burden and help regain strength.
  • Avoid irritating foods: Spicy foods like chili, hot pots, and barbecue, as well as irritants like beef and mutton, seafood, etc., may worsen discomfort symptoms and should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Cultivate good eating habits: In addition to short-term dietary adjustments, it’s important to help the baby establish good eating habits.