
My baby has had a fever for three days, with the body temperature consistently above 39.5 degrees. The previous two days, we gave the baby fever-reducing medicine and fever-reducing suppositories, but the effect was limited, and the body temperature only dropped to around 38 degrees before rising again. We went to the hospital for a blood test, and the doctor said there were no obvious abnormalities, and prescribed pediatric Chai Gui fever-reducing granules. However, the fever persists.


According to the test results, the baby’s fever is caused by a viral infection, especially the high fever symptoms, with no other symptoms being prominent. During the autumn and winter season, it is necessary to consider the flu factor. Recommendation: Continue to take medication as prescribed by the doctor and consider changing to other medications, such as pediatric Heat Clear. Drink plenty of water and closely monitor your baby’s condition. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you. Wishing you and your baby good health!