
My newborn has a bilirubin level of 437, which has decreased to 279 after treatment, but I am worried that such high levels of bilirubin may harm the baby’s brain nerves. Although the baby has not shown any complications and is doing well with feeding, sleeping, and mentally, a detailed examination during the hospital stay still failed to find the cause of the high bilirubin levels. Apart from the elevated bilirubin levels, the baby’s overall health is good. Therefore, I would like to ask if such high levels of bilirubin can affect the baby’s brain nerves?


Newborn jaundice usually appears 2-3 days after birth, reaches its peak 4-5 days later, and is typically resolved naturally within 7-14 days for full-term infants. Based on the information you provided, your baby’s condition falls under pathological jaundice, and hemolytic possibilities have been ruled out, indicating a possible case of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. There are many potential causes for this condition, including infections and liver dysfunction. Since your baby’s feeding, sleeping, and other conditions are normal, it is suspected that there should be no effect on the brain. It is recommended to undergo a brain MRI to confirm.