
When my child was about one year old, a sewing needle went missing at home and we couldn’t find it for a long time. I read a news article today saying that a needle can pierce into the human body and move around inside. Suddenly, I’m worried that the needle from before might have pierced my child’s body. The child is now seven years old. Do I need to take them for a check-up?


Based on your description, the lost needle may have ended up in another location rather than piercing your child’s body. Typically, if a needle were to penetrate the body, there would be a noticeable pain. If there is no pain, it might only occur in cases where a child is crying and restless for no apparent reason, or in elderly individuals who may not be as sensitive. However, given your child’s age now, this possibility is very low. I suggest you don’t worry too much, but if you have any doubts, you can take your child to the hospital for a check-up to completely rule out any risks. Wishing your child a quick recovery and a healthy body and beautiful life.