
My premature baby has been experiencing gurgling and vomiting since the seventh day after birth. Could this be a gastrointestinal issue? The child is currently admitted to the neonatal ward for 22 days and has shown slight improvement in appetite with medication. Now, the baby can eat approximately 19 milliliters of milk every three hours, how does this compare to the normal milk intake of other children? Besides intravenous nutrition and amino acids, are there other treatment methods? What is the maximum dosage that can be used daily, and how much does it cost? Thank you.


Premature babies have underdeveloped organs and may experience symptoms related to respiration, digestion, and the nervous system. Feeding intolerance is a common issue, but as the child grows, these symptoms usually subside. When the baby’s feeding intake is poor, nutrients, amino acids, and fat emulsion can be used. The dosage will vary based on the child’s weight and feeding situation.