The 3-year-old child has a weak constitution and has been hospitalized with pneumonia every winter for the past two years. Now, during the daytime nap, we can hear his chest wheezing loudly, accompanied by coughing, but no fever. It’s especially bad at night, and he’s slightly better during the day, not coughing much, but the wheezing is still noticeable. He has been given Lijunshe, ceftriaxone granules, cough granules, and lung-quieting granules, but the effect is not very good. We are worried about having to be hospitalized again this year. Are there any good remedies? Urgent inquiry.
Based on your description, the child seems to have developed bronchitis again. The anti-inflammatory drugs and lung-clearing medications given to the child have had no significant effect. It is recommended to combine nebulizer inhalation therapy with oral antiallergic medications such as Montelukast and Loratadine. If possible, Chinese medicine can be used in conjunction with Western medicine for faster effects. In everyday life, oral resistance-enhancing medications can be taken, and the diet should be based on lightness, avoiding sweets and cold drinks, and reducing the intake of greasy foods.