
After a nine-month-old baby has recovered from tonsillitis and hand, foot, and mouth disease, the baby still has a runny nose for a whole month. Sometimes it’s thick mucus, and sometimes it’s clear mucus. Could this be a sign of allergic rhinitis?


In your situation, it may involve pediatric allergic rhinitis. We suggest using nasal sprays such as Rinocort, Fusopt (Fusopt), or Nasocort (Nasocort) for treatment, and cooperate with nasal irrigation to clear out secretions. At the same time, you can take Montelukast chewable tablets and TongQiao Allergy Pill. Maintain a light diet and avoid spicy food. It is recommended that you visit the hospital as soon as possible for an early check-up to receive timely treatment and alleviate the discomfort from the disease. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery.