
A 34-day-old baby becomes very fussy after waking up and finishing breastfeeding, wanting to sleep but struggling to do so easily. After being comforted to sleep, they will half-close their eyes and wake up with the slightest movement, repeatedly so. After finally falling asleep, they can only sleep for a few minutes before waking up again with a slight movement, sometimes even emitting a trembling sound. Upon waking, they will cry and need to be comforted again, with the process repeating. The sleep duration is short, and they will wake up multiple times within an hour. Is this behavior normal?


From your description, we understand that your baby has just passed the one-month mark but seems to have some issues with deep sleep. When the baby wakes up and cries, it usually indicates discomfort. After ensuring the baby has had enough to eat, carefully observe their condition. If this situation persists, we recommend taking your baby to the hospital for a detailed check-up. We wish the patient a swift recovery and good health. translationKey,department,title,ask,answer pediatric-69116,Nutrition and Health Care Department,Is a 34-Day-Old Baby Normal?,A 34-day-old baby becomes very fussy after waking up and finishing breastfeeding, wanting to sleep but struggling to do so easily. After being comforted to sleep, they will half-close their eyes and wake up with the slightest movement, repeatedly so. After finally falling asleep, they can only sleep for a few minutes before waking up again with a slight movement, sometimes even emitting a trembling sound. Upon waking, they will cry and need to be comforted again, with the process repeating. The sleep duration is short, and they will wake up multiple times within an hour. Is this behavior normal?