
My child is a boy who is two weeks and nine months old and his height is only 89 cm, which is significantly shorter than his peers. Is this normal? Do I need to have it checked? He is intelligent, lively, and has good appetite. He has been tested for trace elements in the hospital and supplemented with iron for a period of time, which has been relatively normal. Previous treatment situation and effects: No allergy history, no family history of allergies. I would like to know what kind of assistance I can receive: Do I need to test for growth hormones? If so, where should I go for such a test? If not, what should I do?


Firstly, your child is not shorter than his peers; the normal height for a 2-year-old is about 87 cm, so your child is not suffering from dwarfism. Growth rate tends to slow down after 2 years of age and then picks up again during puberty. This is my suggestion for the question “Is my two-week-and-nine-month-old boy’s height of 89 centimeters normal?” I hope it helps you, and wish you health!