
A 20-year-old male asks whether it’s possible to grow taller to 175 centimeters through certain methods, and if there is scientific evidence supporting bone stretching for height increase.


At the age of 20, personal height usually does not experience significant growth, generally only an additional 3 to 5 centimeters can be gained. Based on the parents’ height (both parents are close to 170 centimeters) and the individual’s current height (168 centimeters), this aligns with the genetic inheritance pattern of generations, thus the possibility of growing to 175 centimeters is unlikely. Furthermore, since the individual is already 20 years old, the growth plates typically close, resulting in no further significant height increase. As for the idea of stretching bones, there is currently no scientific evidence to support that this method can effectively increase height. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health.