
A few months ago, my child fell and hit the back of their head, crying at the time and then feeling a bump on the back of their head. I applied some oil and may have also massaged it, but there were no other symptoms at the time. Previous treatment and effects: None. What help can I get? But I’ve noticed a bit of a bump on the back of the head recently, and I’m very worried. Is this something serious?


The child is likely to have a localized subcutaneous hematoma with no symptoms like headache, nausea, or vomiting, indicating a very low risk of intracranial hemorrhage. Pay close attention to any changes. With localized trauma and hematoma, do not massage as it may lead to further injury, increasing the number of broken skin areas. The correct method is to quickly apply a cold compress to the area, which will constrict blood vessels locally and reduce skin breaks. This will speed up recovery significantly in the future.