
A child began to experience a mild cough on January 5th, showing a lack of appetite that day and only drank soy milk. On January 6th, the child reported abdominal pain and needed massage from others. After breakfast, the child refused to eat again, drinking only soy milk and then vomiting three times, followed by a fever of 38.1 degrees Celsius. By 8 pm that evening, the fever had risen to 38.8 degrees Celsius. On January 7th, the child went to the hospital for a detailed examination, and the results and the doctor’s prescribed medication have been confirmed. As of January 9th, the child has recovered from the fever and the cough has almost disappeared. How long should the child continue taking Oseltamivir and Clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride? Thank you for your guidance.


Based on the description, the child’s symptoms may be related to a common cold, including coughing and fever, as well as gastrointestinal reactions. If the fever has subsided and the coughing symptoms have also disappeared, medication can be stopped after two days of taking the medicine. In daily life, it is important to provide timely clothing to prevent catching a cold and to avoid taking the child to crowded places to prevent infection. This is my suggestion for “How to Handle a Child’s Mild Cough?”, hoping it will be helpful to you, wishing you good health!