
Since October 16th, my child has been having 5 to 6 bowel movements a day. Past treatment and effectiveness: there is a history of allergies. Assistance needed: what kind of treatment is needed, or which department to visit, and what kind of tests need to be done.


Common causes of children’s weak spleens include insufficient congenital endowment, improper diet, and external infections. It is recommended to bring the child to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic for herbal treatment, which has few side effects and stable efficacy. The increased frequency of bowel movements may be related to spleen yang deficiency, and it is suggested to use drugs that warm and replenish spleen yang for regulation. It is recommended to undergo routine stool tests, abdominal ultrasounds, and other examinations to determine the specific cause and carry out symptomatic treatment. translationKey: “pediatric-69015” department: Nutrition and Health Care Department title: “How Are Children’s Weak Spleens Caused?” ask: My child has been having 5 to 6 bowel movements a day since October 16th. Past treatment and effectiveness: there is a history of allergies. Assistance needed: how to treat it, or which department to visit, and what kind of tests need to be done. answer: The most common causes of children’s weak spleens are insufficient congenital constitution, dietary issues, and external infections. It is recommended to bring the child to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic for herbal treatment, which has few side effects and stable efficacy. The increased frequency of bowel movements may be related to spleen yang deficiency, and it is suggested to use drugs that warm and replenish spleen yang for regulation. It is recommended to undergo routine stool tests, abdominal ultrasounds, and other examinations to determine the specific cause and carry out symptomatic treatment. tags: [“Child Health”, “Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment”] slug: “pediatric-69015-how-are-childrens-weak-spleens-caused” summary: “Discussing common causes and traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for children’s weak spleens”