
An 11-day-old infant inhaled meconium at birth, exhibiting symptoms such as paleness, blue lips, and white froth in the mouth. After oxygen therapy, the baby was diagnosed with neonatal pneumonia. After one week of symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication, oxygen therapy, and nutritional brain nerve treatment, the oxygen saturation remained low, and the lung CT showed insufficient lung expansion. The baby was transferred to another hospital for ventilator treatment. How long will it take for the baby to recover in this situation, and what potential impacts may there be on the future?


Neonatal infectious pneumonia is a common disease in newborns, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, and other factors. Treatment should control infection, maintain airway patency, ensure warmth, provide proper feeding, and perform necessary oxygen therapy. The recovery time and potential complications depend on the specific symptoms and severity of the condition of the newborn. For example, Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia may lead to serious complications such as pneumothorax, empyema, and pyopneumothorax, requiring more aggressive treatment.