
The baby is three and a half months old, and previously had issues with a clear runny nose and phlegm in the throat. Although the runny nose has stopped, there is still phlegm in the throat, especially noticeable when drinking milk. What’s going on? What should I do?


Based on the parent’s description, the child is now three and a half months old and initially had symptoms of a clear runny nose and phlegm in the throat. Although the runny nose has ceased, there remains phlegm in the throat. If a thorough examination and laboratory tests show signs of infection with elevated infection indicators, it is recommended to treat the child with antibiotics. Fish-mercury Compound can be administered orally, or the child can be referred to a hospital for a follow-up visit and combined treatment with Chinese medicine taken orally or administered via enema. Additionally, oral administration of ambroxol solution or nebulizer inhalation therapy can help alleviate symptoms more quickly. Typically, when children are sick, especially with coughs, they usually progress from no phlegm to having phlegm. This is because as the inflammatory secretions are excreted, symptoms of having phlegm reappear.