
The 23-day-old baby had difficulty breathing through the nose the night before, and on the third day, she had some diarrhea with abnormal stools. She kept wanting to be held throughout the day and didn’t take a nap. In the evening, she was fed about 100 milliliters of formula milk, and about an hour later, she had a bowel movement, which was also abnormal. She cried for more food, so I gave her some breast milk, about 120 milliliters. About an hour later, she wanted to eat again. She was fussing, so I gave her a little bit more, but she started vomiting while eating, a lot of it. She has never vomited before, and then she kept crying. We went to the county hospital for a thorough checkup and nothing was found. The ultrasound showed an ovarian cyst. What is the relationship between these two conditions? What’s going on?