
My 4-year-old baby complained of ear pain all night, and it hurt even when touched lightly. Just as I was going to work, my parents-in-law took him to the hospital for treatment. The doctor examined him and said it was inflamed with pus. They prescribed some Pudilan and Cefprozil granules, and gave him a shot in the buttocks. However, my mother-in-law forgot to ask what the disease was, she only knew it was inflamed. Unfortunately, the doctor’s handwriting was too hard to read. Could you experts help me look at the medical record and see what kind of disease my son has? Is it otitis media? But he still complains of pain after two days of taking medicine after getting the shot, and I feel like his ear is swollen inside. What should I do?


Dear inquirer, your baby’s condition is likely an external auditory meatus abscess, which is not a serious issue. You can treat it with oral cefixime granules (if he is not allergic) for inflammation and apply ofloxacin ear drops for ear bathing. That should suffice. Hope this helps!