
A baby who is three and a half months old has not had a bowel movement for eight days since starting exclusive breastfeeding. The last bowel movement was also about seven days ago, and I’m worried this might be a sign of dyspepsia. Although the last stool was of normal consistency, not hard, I have attached a photo of the stool. I have given the baby probiotics for two days; will this be effective? Do I need to continue giving the baby probiotics?


Babies who are exclusively breastfed may take several days to have a bowel movement due to the complete digestion of breast milk, and it’s not necessarily immediate after each feeding. As long as the baby’s appetite is normal and there are no vomiting or other symptoms, there’s no need to worry. It’s recommended to give the baby more water, massage the abdomen, and provide sufficient amounts of cabbage or pineapple juice, which all help with intestinal peristalsis and aid in bowel movements. If necessary, you can use a glycerin suppository. You can also give the baby enough probiotics to help regulate the intestines.